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Part 9: My Personal Arsenal of Plugins and Secret Tools

-- Part 9: My Personal Arsenal of Plugins and Secret Tools

Hello Again Blogging Friend,

Every blogger and marketer has their own set of preferred tools and
plugins that help them get through the end of the day. With so much
to get accomplished, using the right plugins can make your blog not
only run a lot faster and offer better customization, but it will
also help you turn a profit more quickly too.

Not all of these plugins cost money, but some of them do. Here is
my list of plugins and tools I'm currently using on my authority
blogs network.

- Aweber Mailing Lists

As mentioned several times before, Aweber is the best solution for
when it comes to building a mailing list for your blog. You can
create subscription forms to place on your site or even create
popup hover windows, which drastically increase your sign up rates.
All of the information and mailings are done within the Aweber
system. There is a low monthly cost and your first month will only
be billed out at $1.


- PopUp Domination

The absolute best compliment to Aweber mailing solutions is the
Popup Domination plugin. It's used by many of the top bloggers in
the game and it's helping them increase their sign up numbers like
crazy. In short, it's a plugin that makes customized and attractive
popup windows that appear when someone visits your site for the
first time. I'm sure you've probably seen them before on many
blogs. The price of PopUp Domination is $77.


- MBP Ninja Affiliate

Nothing looks more unprofessional than posting a long tracking url
or affiliate link on your blog. Instead of using direct affiliate
links, you can easily cloak and redirect them through your blog url
using the MBP Ninja Affiliate. This is the same plugin I am using
to generate all of the links in these mailings. There are two
different versions of MBP Ninja Affiliate available, one is $37 and
the other is $97.


- SEO Smart Links

Have you ever wanted to setup a bunch of internal links in your
blog posts, but already have hundreds of posts already live? SEO
Smart Links is a free plugin that can do this for you. All you have
to do is install the plugin, type the text that you want converted
to a link, then include the url. Now all of the requested text on
your site will now be an active link. This is a free plugin, though
a premium one is also available.


- VaultPress

Once you start making some serious money with your blog or see that
you are pushing a few hundred posts already live, you will start to
think about adding a backup solution if your blog ever goes down or
fails on you. I personally waited a while before setting up my own
backup system, and I had a few scares. Now I setup all of my big
blogs with VaultPress, which is a backup and monitoring system from
Wordpress. The cost is $15/m per site.


- Sucuri Security Plugin

I've had a few occasions now where the blog was running slow and
somehow malware got into my wordpress. It was at the time that I
came across a service called Sucuri. Long story short, they went in
there and cleaned everything up. They also have a cool plugin that
tracks your blogs and makes sure they are all running smoothly.
Sucuri now offers a free plugin, but their monitoring and fixing
services cost money.


And that's the list of my top used and most adored wordpress
plugins and services I use on my blog. I recommend them all, but
they are not required to run a successful blog.

If you have any questions on them, feel free to shoot me an email
and ask away!

Talk soon,

Zac Johnson

PS: Plugins and tools are always a great way to make your blogging
experience and business much better, but so is interacting and
meeting with the right people online. In the next mailing, I'm
going to share some of my favorite forums for meeting with other
webmasters, bloggers and affiliate marketers.


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