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3 Emails that Generate the Most Revenue

Wednesday - June 13th

3 Emails that Generate the Most Revenue


Email marketing is about engaging your subscribers. The goal
of engagement is to drive revenue.

Certain types of emails you send to your subscribers out
perform others at generating sales.

Here are 3 emails you can easily send that will make you the
most money!

1. Welcome Emails

An Experian CheetahMail study found that Welcome Emails are
opened and read close to 4 times more than other promotional
emails. Plus a series of Welcome Email messages get 5 times
higher click through rates and earns significantly more
revenue per email.

A traditional email promotion earns $0.06 per email vs.
a welcome email series promotion earns $1.29 per email.

Invest the time and effort to craft great welcome messages
and those new sign-ups to your list will make you money.

For tactics on how to design a good welcome series see the
article: How to Double Your Repeat Business.

2. Post Purchase Follow-up Emails

Yes, a thank you note sent to your customers is another
great revenue generator.

Practical eCommerce research shows that only 5% of new
customers who have made a purchase will ever return to
your site. Only 3% of those new customers will ever make
a second purchase!

Thank you email messages, companies document, deliver
20% more revenue per email than their regular emails.

One top thank you message strategy is to send a survey
to your customers. Find out what your customer's liked
and provide more of it! Find out what your customer's
don't like and fix it.

For tactics on how to design an email survey see the
article: Tell Me About Yourself.

3. Transactional Emails

When you email a receipt, a shipping confirmation, a password
reminder, a subscription renewal or any type of notification
email - these are transactional emails.

EmailStatsCenter reports that 75% of customers open and read
transactional emails more often than other email communication.

What's more when you place a promotional message into a
transactional email, 57% of consumers view it positively
reports Marketing Sherpa.

Start placing relevant promotions into your transactional
messages and you'll drive more sales.

Abbie Drew
DEMC Editor

PMB 227, 24-G West Main St.
Clinton, CT 06413
(860) 669-4365